Position Report, Noosa

Anthony Swanston
Mon 27 Apr 2015 05:15
For some reason I don't taks any photographs on my next legs north; mostly because I don't go ashore. You will just have to content yourselves with the Google Earth images on this page.
After Mooloolaba I went to Noosa for an overnight stop before entering the Great Sandy Strait inside Fraser Island in, what should have been, calm weather. It blew 25 knots and this and what was to follow was, single handed and without a chart plotter, nothing short of jolly exciting. Well, that is one way of putting it. Once through in the strange tidal system (the tide floods in from both ends, meets in the middle and stops) I got to Kingfisher Bay where I expected to go ashore for some exploring of the largest sand island in the world. Suddenly a weather system decided it would form (they do this here) and give me 40 knots from the west. That put me on a lee shore and so I ran for shelter in strong winds and pouring rain. Once the system passed I went to Big Woody Island and from there hopped off one hour before daybreak for Bubdaberg.
And in Bundaberg a nice electronics man is going to look at my chartplotter...