Anthony Swanston
Fri 17 Apr 2015 03:55
I reach the port of Mooloolaba, a thriving seaside tourist spot with more coffee shops than you could shake a stick at. There are loads of little canals with expensive houses on the edge, each with a pontoon. Just look at the Google Earth on this page. I tour them by dinghy and mark on a tourist map all of the places where you can leave a dinghy and go shopping - something the local marinas had never done. I probably discovered more than Christopher Columbus.
Anzac Day, the 100th anniversary of the disasterous Gallopoli landings, was remembered by a huge service starting at 0500 with the key part at sunrise to mark the time the first troops landed in small rowing boats. In this small town thousands turned out despite the hour.
My friends Warren (from Bangor) and wife Sue who lived nearby took me out for a day and then a very successful neighbourhood barbecue afterwards. Great fun but soon it was time for off.
Must get north a bit...