Bora Bora

Anthony Swanston
Thu 1 Aug 2013 23:55
It's a long story as to how I ended up with Murano (a local lagoon guide) and his son, nephews, nieces, brother in law and other miscellaneous family members. But it was a day out to dream of. Our first stop was just 300 yards from my first anchorage and we swam with sting rays and black tipped sharks. I asked him two questions - (1) Why do the sting rays not sting? Answer - Because we feed them every day. (2) Why do the sharks not eat us? Answer - See (1) above. It's amazing what you can see with a little local knowledge! We completed a circumnavigation of
the island inside the lagoon stopping frequently. In one spot some one had even dived to make the name of the island in stones on the sea bed. Murano has a private Motu (island) complete with food to die for. It was prepared by yet more nephews and nieces and, as you can see, it was a work of art.
I intend to leave on Sunday 4th August for the small island of Rarotonga, 540 nautical miles away. The weather looks mixed but the boats that left to go west a few days ago have had a good blow, sometimes up to 40 knots.
Wild Fox does not like 40 knots...