Lovina, North Bali

Anthony Swanston
Fri 2 Oct 2015 07:29
I motor 30 miles to Amet to spend the night there so I can do a day passage to Lovina. The worst anchorage yet; I leave after an hour and a half. The problem with night passages are the FADs (fish aggregation devices). These are bamboo rafts which fish congregate around. Then people come and catch the fish. That is if people like me have not crashed into the raft. They could easily sink a yacht. You can meet them 10 miles offshore even in 1,500 metres of water. Greenpeace hate them. But not as much as I do!
After a terrifying night passage dodging the bloody things I arrive in Lovina; a lovely anchorage. A bit touristy ashore but that means you can buy things. The boat boys are wonderful delivering fuel, water, laundry, cleaning boat bottoms.
We have a trip in cars carrying five people each to a cocoa plantation, a Buddhist monastry then on to an agricultural village owned by an ancient but very rich clove plantatian owner. He lays on food and entertainment on a grand scale and we finish off with a visit to a hot springs. The whole day out costs 12 pounds.
The village 'photos will be on a separate post.