Hump Ridge, second part

Anthony Swanston
Fri 7 Mar 2014 19:52
On day two we go back down the 900 metres, mostly on wooden steps to protect the forest floor - hard on the quads! We are then in timber country where huge viaducts and tramways were built by the Marlborough Timber Company - as you can see from the 'photo I was a director. The second viaduct (too wweak to walk on) had a construction cost of 1,000 pounds sterling - it restoration is costing 250,000 pounds!
At the next hut I fix the generator, eat, drink some beeer and wine and next morning we are off again on a coastal walk of 20 K. Along a beach where 12 Orca whales died recently and then a steep climb back up to the bus and off to the hotel in Tuatapre for a shower and some more beer. It's a tough life...