About to leave for Langkawi
Anthony Swanston
Tue 25 Jun 2019 03:02
I will sort out this blog when the website has finished its rebuilding program. In the meantime a synopsis.
After the christening in London I fly back and Bronte joins the crew. After some technical difficulties we head off around a few favourite anchorages and hongs. We then get into the marina at Krabi for a few days getting ready to leave for Langkawi. It is only 130 odd miles but night sailing around here is not recommended due to unlit fishing boats and nets. So it is a four day island hop. The weather promises, at best, to be very mixed.
A number of boats will leave Padang in Western Sumatra for South Africa in mid July with some interesting stops along the way but I still do not fancy any more long trips on my own...