Nuku Hiva tour

Anthony Swanston
Wed 22 May 2013 18:45
Five of us hired a four wheel drive pick up and toured the island. Very few roads had any surface; in nine hours we only covered 65 miles. It had rained the night before, very welcome for the island and me as I filled my water tanks. The local water is not potable.
The scenery is just stunning as
you can see. When we got back the fishermen were gutting tuna and throwing the remains into the sea which was alive with sharks who seem to know the time of gutting...
Very poor internet here but when it works I can listen to BBC Radio4. With a ten and a half hour time difference I listen to Eddie Mair on the PM programme as I make breakfast, 1700 UK time, 0630 local time
Off tomorrow to Daniel's Bay and the third highest waterfall in the world...