Anthony Swanston
Wed 21 Mar 2018 12:48
We spend a
day or two in Uligan and take a speedboat trip to two other islands. My Visa card will not work in the only ATM
and so I have an expensive withdrawal on my credit card. We have a meal which
includes chewing bettlenut with loads of additives leaving very red teeth. Then
you spit a lot. Ladies too. It is a lovely habit.
We south on a windless day and arrive in the
pretty and almost deserted harbour of Kulhudhuffushi. Don’t you just love these place names? The fishing and inter island ferry harbour is
busy but too shallow and too busy for us.
Customs make themselves busy and we have to check in again and also with
the security guard. They all have jobs
and they have to fill their day up. Back at Uligan there were 75 children of
school age. They had 32 teachers. All of these public sector jobs are paid for
by tourism.
Customs then
inform me that if I want to buy diesel then my clearance agent needs to write
to him. I mean, it is 40 litres from a
filling station by the beach.
South east
this time with a little wind but still motor sailing. And we pass a deserted resort on Vagaru. Some resorts are very successful; some are