Safe Arrival in Grenada - Prickly Bay Marina, Grenada

Don and Anne Myers
Mon 4 Feb 2013 16:14
11:59.903N 61:45.553W
February 4, 2013
All 3,750 miles.
Yesterday turned into a lovely sail with light wind, the
countercurrent left us to be replaced briefly by a nice positive current, and we
ended up having to slow down overnight in order to arrive
in daylight. We couldn't have asked for better conditions with
which to eat the last of the cabbage and indulge in a celebratory
end-of-passage glass of wine. When we arrived, there were no gift basket
bearing dockhands, barber, freezer guy or bevy of Heineken girls waiting for us,
but docking was no hassle, and the boat next to us is one we were parked next to
in Simon's Town, South Africa. Single-hander John and his boat Arctic Tern
left Cape Town stopping only very briefly in St. Helena
and a Brazilian island, and arriving here in Grenada 64 days
later. 64 days! Makes our 23 seem paltry in comparison. John
is looking very salty with a full beard and bones poking through his extremely
thin frame. Single-handing a sailboat around the world makes what we do
seem nothing more than a frolic in the park. No thanks.
Don has already lined up a freezer guy to come by tomorrow,
and is now rinsing the worst of the salt off the decks and stainless. The
giant mound of laundry will be taken care of by a local service tomorrow, and
we've already purchased a phone sim card and bananas that taste like something
more than sawdust.'s good to be back in the Caribbean. It's
also strange (but good) to be sitting still.
We'll stay in Grenada for about a week before moving on to St.
Lucia. Once there we'll celebrate the official completion of our
circumnavigation with our first round of guests, my sister Margy and her husband
Now it's time for lunch and our first Caribbean
More in a week or so.
Anne and Don