False Lehave Bay, Nova Scotia

Don and Anne Myers
Sun 19 Aug 2007 01:07
44:13.855N 64:21.670W
Foggy. Rainy. Cold. Wind from the
direction in which we are trying to go. Ugh.
We cut our day short due to fog and anchored in
False Lehave Bay. Shortly after we got settled in, a couple
rowed out to greet us in their dingy. They own a cottage in the area and
are from Virginia. They offered to drive us into town, and also offered us
the use of their mooring and their dingy dock. We didn't take them up on
their offers (it was a good day to just sit around and read a book), but can you
believe the generosity?
This is a really pretty spot. We think.
Can't really tell with the fog...