Halifax, Nova Scotia

Don and Anne Myers
Fri 17 Aug 2007 03:24
44:39.00N 63:37.00W
We made it to Halifax on Sunday (8/12) and stayed
for 3 nights at the world renowned Royal Nova Scotia Yacht Squadron. Quite
a place (see the second picture below). This is one of 7 yacht clubs
around the world that have earned the right from England to put the word
"Royal" in their title. Apparently a very big deal. Halifax is
definitely a sailing town. On our way in to the harbor, we passed by a
junior sailing race (first picture below), all of which were from the Royal Nova
Scotia Yacht Squadron. Try saying Royal Nova Scotia Yacht Squadron 3 times
really fast. This is what we had to do to hail them on the radio so we
could inquire about dockage for our stay in Halifax. They must have chosen
the name not because it is prestigious as they would like us to believe, but
because it's fun to hear outsiders like us attempt to hail them on the
There were lots and lots of ocean going sailboats
in Halifax and we met quite a few Americans (mostly from Massachusetts) that are
headed back to Maine and Massachusetts over the next couple of weeks. I'm
sure we'll see some of them again as we make our way in the same
direction. We experienced the generosity of other boaters again here in
Halifax. One group carted us around in their rented car - to and from
downtown Halifax, to the grocery store, and most importantly, to the local
brewery to buy beer. Speaking of which, we paid $15 for an 8-pack of
beer. Man! This is one reason we are looking forward to getting back
to the States.
Aside from the occasional rain and fog, we had a
good time in Halifax and did the tourist thing for two days. There is an
incredible museum here called the Maritime Museum of the Atlantic. Really
cool, but after spending time at the Titanic, hurricane, pirate and shipwreck
exhibits it made us (ok, maybe just me) wonder if sailing around the world was
really such a good idea.