Leaving Norfolk Island for New Zealand

Don and Anne Myers
Sat 18 Oct 2008 21:32
We've had a good stay here in Norfolk Island (aside
from the massively rolly anchorage and challenges getting ashore which I will
write about sometime in the future). The island is just a tiny as it
looked on the chart - less than 5 miles by 3 miles. We were able to rent a
car with the group and tour the entire island in a few short hours yesterday -
more about that later too.
Our plan is to leave today (Sunday) at noon.
The weather forecast looks good with only a day or so of southeasterly wind that
we'll have to deal with before the wind turns to the northwest and behind us for
the rest of the trip. We should be able to cover the 435 miles in three
days, with a planned arrival in Opua, New Zealand sometime on Wednesday.
Storyteller's head sail has been repaired - hopefully the repair will hold for
the trip. Don unplugged our toilet (another good story for later) and we
are good to go.
More tomorrow as we make our way to