St. Helena to the Caribbean - Day 2

Don and Anne Myers
Mon 14 Jan 2013 12:12
13:15.820S 10:05.166W
January 14, 2013
Isn't this nice?
That's what we keep asking ourselves and each
other. The answer is a resounding yes! If sailing were like
this all the time, the oceans would be teeming with yachts going this way and
that. Everyone would be having a grand time sipping champagne from
real glass glasses, while trolling for fish, reading heaps of books
and doing needlepoint. Not that we are sipping champagne out of real
glass glasses or doing needlepoint, but it's smooth enough out here to do
either if you were so inclined. The trouble with this glorious piece of
ocean is that to get to it, the Indian Ocean must first be crossed, and
South Africa rounded. No wonder there's no one else out here sharing the
glory! (Not completely true as there are three other sailboats within a
few hundred miles and one ship that passed by a few hours ago within 20 miles,
but we can't see them, so it feels like we are alone.)
Sailing report: Nice.
Weather report: Nice.
See? It's nice.
We have a powder blue sky with puffy white clouds,
eighty-something degrees, deep blue sea, and 12-20 knots of wind from the
southeast. With the downwind rig up in these conditions, we glide before
the wind so smoothly, the movement of the boat is almost imperceptible.
Almost. Another ten days or so of this, and we won't feel any movement at
all. If that happens, it might be a good time to take up yoga. Then
we could brag about holding the downward dog position in rolling seas with 12-20
knots of southeast wind behind us.
Another day down, another 150ish miles complete.
2 down, 21-ish to go.