Sri Lanka to Chagos - Day 6

Don and Anne Myers
Thu 29 Mar 2012 07:40
02:25.665S 73:30.527E
March 29, 2012
Same Same.
Another day, another sedate sail. Funny how days on a
passage start to blend together after the first four or five - especially
when the sailing and weather conditions are so consistent. We find
ourselves constantly asking what day it is. It's good we keep a sailing
log which includes the day of the week and the time. Otherwise, we'd
be floating around out here completely oblivious. We do know the
time of day though. Our watch system is rigid and followed
religiously (two engineers a rigid schedule makes) . At the
moment (noon), it's Don's watch and time for me to update the blog.
One o'clock is lunch time, followed by my watch and Don's nap time, etc.,
etc. The hours fly by, we just don't happen to know which day the hours
belong to.
Progress report.
97 miles - nearly all sailing. Our progress is
slow, but you've got to admire the consistency.
Big Events.
More dolphins. They seem to love us as much as we love
them. Even our slow speed hasn't put them off. They come around at
dusk and swim with us for a while - personally ushering us into the
night. Sometimes they show up at shower time, so we're not sure if their
intentions are always pure.
I forgot to mention a few days ago one of the
autopilots stopped speaking to us again. Same autopilot, same problem
as last time. The captain has proclaimed it needs a full going
over, which will have to wait until our arrival in Chagos (currently
estimated to be Saturday afternoon). In the meantime, our other
autopilot continues to chug on happily. Once again we are singing the
praises of Harmonie's previous owners and their willingness to install
a completely redundant autopilot system.
More tomorrow -