Sandy Bay, Rockport, Massachusetts

Don and Anne Myers
Mon 10 Sep 2007 15:08
42:39.604N  70:37.132W
Here we are in Massachusetts.  We sailed from the Isles of Shoals to Rockport on Thursday (9/6).  Yup, sailed again.  Lots of wind.  Not from the proper direction.  It was another one of those zig zag days (yes, Skip and Bruce, zig zag).  I think it's the sidewinder snake that travels sideways towards its destination.  If so, then that is what we did on this day.  Imagine sailing for hours, watching your destination slide by.  Sideways.  And then you turn, and you watch it slide by again. Sideways.  And you know, as you slide by sideways, that if you could just head straight for that destination you'd be there in one hour instead of three...
Anyway, we arrived in Sandy Bay, which is just outside the Rockport harbor, with plenty of time for Don to climb up the mast using his handy-dandy top-climber to retrieve the ballooner halyard [non-boater translation: the rope that attaches to the top of the ballooner, which is a colorful sail not unlike a spinnaker] that mistakenly got stuck up there during our 'let's try every sail configuration known to man' trip from Richmond Island to the Isles of Shoals the previous day.  Because the halyard was stuck at the top of the mast, we couldn't use the electric winch to whisk Don up.  He had to do it the old fashioned way and climb up what he usually uses as the safety line when going up the mast.  It was really windy and our mast is 65 feet above the water.  Have I ever mentioned that Don is afraid of heights?  He looks pretty confident in this picture though, doesn't he?
The second picture below is of Rockport, taken from where we were anchored.  We didn't take the time to go into town, which is too bad because it looked really cute and we had heard good things about it, but our stop here was short.  We sailed to Provincetown (P-Town) the next day.

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