Chagos to Mauritius - Day 2

Don and Anne Myers
Mon 30 Apr 2012 09:24
9:46.331S 71:16.087E
April 30, 2012
Yesterday's summary: wind, squalls, fast, bumpy
(translation: bad for stomachs).
Today's summary: miserable. We tried to go fast
enough yesterday and last night to keep ahead of (and escape) the ITCZ
and its massive squalls. We knew the ITCZ was headed south, but were
confident we could outrun it. Not. At about 5am this morning it
overtook us, or more like enveloped us, in the biggest mass of gray and
rain we've ever experienced. The wind is up and down and not too bad,
but the rain is relentless. We're wearing full foul weather gear for the
first time since Nova Scotia.
All is well with captain and crew despite the challenges thus
far. We are both trying to get enough sleep and eat enough to keep us
going - so far, so good. Don has even showered. Can't say the same
for myself. It's good only the two of us are here.
More tomorrow - hopefully from a dryer boat happily sailing
along the SE trades.
We'll get an update from weatherman Bruce in a few minutes
(when this is sent), so it should be interesting to see how much longer he
thinks we'll be stuck in the rain.