Top Ten Reasons Why the Browns Love Motorsail Slogging Up the Malaysian Coast with the Myers - Pangkor Island, Perak State, Malaysia

Don and Anne Myers
Mon 22 Nov 2010 02:35
04:11.286N 100:33.125E
Those of you that know Bryan and Michele will understand where
these are coming from. For those of you that don't know Bryan and
Michele, simply apply a little imagination to get the full
Top Ten Reasons Why the Browns Love Motorsail Slogging Up the
Malaysian Coast with the Myers:
10. Finding room in the bow
cabin to stow 7 pairs of non-bejeweled shoes, 60 matching
outfits, 3 curling irons, an impressive collection of medication, enough bath
and beauty products to stock a street stall, and two steamer trunks equipped
with wheels.
9. Sweating in 92 degrees and 92%
8. Sweating in 92 degrees and 92% humidity;
and forming a giant blister on the ball of one's foot while walking through
the glitzy pedestrian mall of Singapore's Marina Bay.
7. Performing surgery on oneself to lance the
giant blister formed on the ball of one's foot, squeeze out the puss, soak it in
three varieties of disinfectant and wrap it up mummy-like in preparation
for future walks through the dingy streets and seedy amusement park of
Malaysia's Danga Bay.
6. Eating dinner while the empty eye socket
of a whole sea bass stares back at you from the plate
in Danga Bay's Chinese run and owned Italian restaurant.
5. Taste testing the local water at the
semi-swanky Admiral Marina restaurant in Port Dickson.
4. 18 hours later - trotting to the
head 6,000 times, sweating, feverish, shivering, and approaching a
state of severe dehydration.
3. Motorsail slogging for 30 hours in choppy
seas feeling nauseous, eating nothing and trotting to the head 6,000 times,
sweating, feverish, shivering, and approaching a state of severe
2. Upon arrival at Pangkor Island, receiving
the honorable title 'Commando Trotsky' based on a scarcity of underwear
combined with 6,000 visits to the head.
And the number 1 reason why the Browns love motorsail
slogging up the Malaysian coast with the Myers:
Bravely jumping off the stern of the dinghy into chest-high
water when ordered by the captain to disembark, while your wife, in a
more savvy show of seamanship, delicately steps off the bow of the dinghy into
the more manageable knee-high water of Pangkor Island's southern
That pretty much covers the highlights of Bryan and Michele's
excellent adventure thus far, including our delightful (not) 30 hour
motorsail slog from Admiral Marina in Port Dickson to the southern coast of
Pangkor Island. We stayed two nights at Pangkor Island in order to
recover from all the trauma, and by the time we left, Bryan was back in full,
working order (but retained the honorable title "Commando Trotsky" just for
fun). We've decided the half-glass of ice water Bryan drank in the
Admiral Marina restaurant was the assignable cause of his ordeal (see the
picture in the previous blog entry to view the culprit).
Oh, and there were other disasters that occurred during this
delightful motorsail slog, but they'll be covered later. To give you a
taste for now, let's just say our mainsail has seen better days and bailing
seawater out of the forward bilge in exceedingly choppy seas does nothing
to prevent sea sickness.