Tonga - Fiji Passage Summary and Pictures

Don and Anne Myers
Fri 10 Jul 2009 00:22
16:46.626S 179:20.223E
Yup, Island Time strikes again. Sorry for the delay, here is a
summary and pictures of our fast and rough ride from Tonga to Fiji.
Total nautical miles traveled - 410
Total time - 2 days, 5 hours, 15
Total time sailing - 2 days, 4
hours, 30 minutes (99%)
Total time motoring - 45
minutes (1%) ran the engine only to exit Port Maurelle in Tonga and
enter Savusavu harbor in Fiji
Average speed - 7.7 knots (8.9 mph)
Degrees of latitude traveled - 2 to the north
(toward the equator)
Degrees of longitude traveled - 7 to the west
(and into the eastern hemisphere again)
Lowest wind - 17 knots (20 mph)
Highest wind - 28 knots (32 mph) with
higher gusts, but we did our best to ignore those
Lowest cabin temperature - 75F (had to put on jeans
and a sweatshirt!)
Highest cabin temperature - 82F (no sweatshirt
Number of calamities - 1 (first day - main
sail furler jammed, plastic guide piece broke off and main sail
Number of dinners consisting of microwaved frozen
casseroles - 2
Number of triple back-flip, double twisting
Pacific mahi-mahi caught - 0 (didn't even try - too
Number of daytime naps - Don - 2, Anne -
Number of seasickness pills taken - Don - 0, Anne -
Number of seasickness episodes - Don - 0, Anne - 0
Pictures 1 and 2 - We sailed past Lady Kay shortly after leaving Tonga and
Michael took these shots of us as we went by. That's me in the red
raincoat taking pictures of Michael on Lady Kay taking pictures of us. The
surf was rough and the waves confused. We're on the downside of one of
those confused waves in picture 2.
Picture 3 - Lady Kay was to the south of us and the
southern sky was just starting to clear and a rainbow starting to form
as we passed.
Picture 4 - 45 minutes later, this full rainbow appeared. Note how
its end is reflected in the sea. This is the best part about seeing a
rainbow over the ocean - both ends go right through the surface of the
water and continue on down. Makes you wonder if leprechauns know how to
scuba dive. I couldn't get the full rainbow in the frame of the picture,
but you can imagine how amazing it was to see. It was about this time, we
learned from Michael and Jackie later, that three very large humpback
whales appeared directly in front of Lady Kay. After a brief second of
indecision as to which way to turn the boat, Jackie swerved into the wind
to avoid a collision while the three whales nonchalantly waved their massive
tales at she and Michael. A boat can feel mighty small when the sea
is rough, but a close encounter with humpback whales can make a boat feel
downright miniscule. Jackie said the whole episode was terrifying and
incredible all at once. As in, 'Michael! We're going to hit the
whales! Which way should I turn?', followed by, 'Wow! Aren't they
After the first day, the rest of the trip was fairly uneventful - with the
possible exception of winding our way through the reefs and small islands
surrounding the two main Fijian Islands in the dark on a cloudy, moonless
night using charts based on surveys done in the 1800's and looking for land
navigation beacons that no longer exist. In these circumstances,
identifying and staying away from nearby islands is somewhat
difficult. Actually, just locating a nearby island is somewhat
difficult. Using the radar and then peering into the darkness for long
periods of time generally results in affirmation that indeed, the slightly
darker black lump to the left or right is the island in question.
Reefs are impossible to see in the dark, but the radar sometimes picks up
breaking waves on a reef if there are enough of them and if the surrounding
waters aren't full of breaking waves too. In situations like this, we
generally choose a conservative path (translation - a path with the
least number of island and/or reef obstacles in and around it). If we get
to the point where we have to sail between two obstacles and we
can't physically see either in the dark, then we use radar to position ourselves
in the middle as best we can. We figure if there are four miles between an
island and a reef and we can see by radar that we are two miles away from the
island, then even if the charts are off by a mile (a good possibility), we
wouldn't be closer than a mile to the reef. See the logic here?
Seems to be working so far.
We arrived in the very protected Savusavu harbor around noon on June 25th
and unlike our arrival in the port of Latouka, Fiji last year, our check-in with
immigration, quarantine, health and customs was a breeze. There was no
inspection of our liquor locker and no prolonged customs inspector silences
waiting to be filled with an alcohol bribe. Latouka is more of an
industrial port whereas Savusavu caters more to boaters like us as well as the
occasional cruise ship.
More on Savusavu and Fiji later.
Anne |