Leaving for Fiji

Don and Anne Myers
Sun 21 Jun 2009 17:30
We arrived back in Neiafu for the third time last
Thursday (6/18), just in time for the Fiji rally briefing. Friday was
spent clearing out of Tonga and taking on 400 liters of duty-free fuel at one of
the tiny docks on the waterfront. Yesterday we completed most preparations for
the trip - meals cooked and frozen, rigging checked by Don on a quick trip
up the mast, miscellaneous engine and generator maintenance completed, and the
cabin rigged for potentially heavy seas and wind.
Now it is Sunday and aside from catching up on the
blog, everything is ready to go. Except for the weather. We are
still waiting for the low pressure system to clear out. We are supposed to
be getting 30 knot winds right about now, but aside from a constant drizzle of
rain, there hasn't been much wind to speak of. It's possible that we are
so well protected in the Neiafu harbor that we just aren't seeing the
wind. Either way we are planning to leave at first light tomorrow (Monday,
6/22) and are expecting some ugly seas and high winds for at least the first six
hours of the trip. It shouldn't be too bad though as the wind and seas
should be behind us. We never complain too much when sailing and surfing
downwind. It's that upwind stuff we don't care much for.
The trip should be a fast one with good wind.
The distance is something less than 450 miles and we are hoping to arrive in
Savusavu before nightfall on Wednesday. That's the plan anyway.
Subject to change with the wind, as always.
We'll update the blog daily during the