Season Four - The Plan
Don and Anne Myers
Fri 28 Jan 2011 06:03
Another year, another season aboard the good ship
Harmonie. This year, there will be no hard core ocean sailing
passages, and lots of lollygagging around gorgeous Thailand anchorages.
Life is rough we know, but someone has to persevere.
Here's the plan:
Complete a few minor boat projects and stock up for the
season in duty-free Langkawi, Malaysia.
Day sail the short 150ish miles from Langkawi to Phuket,
Thailand (we are already in Phuket at the moment....the blog is slightly behind,
as usual).
Spend February and March leisurely sailing around the lovely
islands off Thailand's west coast.
In early April, haul the boat at Phuket's Boat Lagoon Marina
and have the bottom painted and the hull polished. Notice that I
wrote, "have the bottom painted and the hull polished" - meaning we
don't plan to do it ourselves. Remember what happened the last
time Don attempted to paint the bottom?? Yeah, not pretty.
Once the work is completed, return the boat to the water, and
leave it in Phuket's Boat Lagoon Marina while we fly to Vietnam and Cambodia for
two or three weeks in April/early May.
Return to Thailand and spend another month cruising around
Thailand's islands.
Day sail back to Langkawi, Malaysia in June and leave the boat
at Rebak Marina again while we travel home for the summer. We'll return to
Langkawi sometime in October for the start of Season Five.
That's it in a nutshell. We are really looking forward
to enjoying more of Southeast Asia at a very leisurely pace. I'm also
happy to report that the weather has turned and the northeast monsoon is in full
swing. This doesn't mean torrential rains as the word monsoon implies,
instead the northeast monsoon brings drier weather and a steady breeze
from the northeast. No more 95% humidity and 95 degrees. Now we have
a pleasant 87 degrees and enough breeze to keep sweat puddles from
forming. As the new t-shirt my sister Margy gave me for Christmas says,
"Life is Good".
Up next: Adventures in Langkawi Provisioning, or what is
commonly known in boating circles as 'The Langkawi Scavenger
Hunt'. If buying groceries while living on a boat in Southeast Asia was as
easy as dropping by Wegmans on the way home from work, where would the challenge