Day 15 - Ode to Tuna

Don and Anne Myers
Mon 24 Mar 2008 20:17
08:56.310S 132:02.625W
We are still doing well with less than 400 miles to
go. If the wind continues to blow nicely, we may arrive Wednesday instead
of Thursday. An earlier arrival would be quite nice as the novelty of
sailing 2,980 miles across the Pacific is starting to wear thin. Once
we arrive, Don is most looking forward to 1) a drink (aside from one beer at
lunch, we are a dry boat when underway) and 2) relaxing on a non-moving
boat - swimming, reading, etc.. I am most looking forward to 1)
eating something that someone else prepared and 2) sleeping for more than
three hours at a time. As you might expect, our priorities are slightly
As promised, permission was obtained from
Storyteller to reprint the original poem, 'Ode to Tuna' written by one of their
crew members, Rosemary. Here it is:
How do I love thee? Let me count the ways;- First Japanese sushi and French Bouillabaise. Then confit for comfort, dripping in oil, sauteed, lip-smacking with veggies and all. Inca ceviche and salad tatare, Raw is so easy when in slithers and rare. Tagine from the casbah sweet spices won't spoil, Thai curry and rice with Omega 3 oil. Pate on fresh bread, a constant at lunch, Fish cakes a standby on Fridays for brunch. The fridge is groaning, the freezer is stressed, For Pacific cruising we find tuna is best. Obviously Storyteller caught quite a few tuna and
as a result felt the need to sing its praises. It's possible we
would be spouting poetry too...if only we had caught a fish. Any
Now it's time for...
Marquesas Semi-Useless Factoid #14:
Half of the Marquesas Islands are
We are hoping to find at least one of these
uninhabited islands and take care of Don's priority #2 as stated above (and
probably his priority #1 as well...).
Anne |