Leinster Bay, St. John

Don and Anne Myers
Mon 3 Dec 2007 13:05
18:21.901N 64:43.377W
On Wednesday (11/28), we motored the short distance
from Caneel Bay to Leinster Bay and have been moored in Leinster
Bay ever since. The majority of St. John is a National Park and we
are in the heart of the park here in Leinster Bay (pictures to be sent
when we have high speed internet access at some point in the future). The
park land is not developed and the number of boats in this particular bay is
rarely more than four - nice and quiet, just the way we like it.
So, the question is, what does one do for five
straight days in a bay with little or no people, surrounded by land
with no stuff on it? Answer: slide into vacation mode and stay there
for a while. Our schedule goes something like this:
7:30am ish - Start to think about getting
7:45am ish - Don actually does get
8:15am ish - Anne decides getting up is indeed
10am ish - Finish breakfast.
11am ish - Morning activity (hike, etc.) or
1pm ish - Don announces the arrival of lunch
2pm ish - Afternoon activity (hike, swim,
snorkel, etc.) or not.
4:30pm ish - Cockpit bathing time. Speaking of
which, yesterday at bath time I happened to glance over at the sailboat moored
next to us and saw a man exit the water at the stern and walk up the deck to the
cockpit completely naked. The full Monty. I thought maybe I was
hallucinating, so I felt the need to glance over quite a few more
times to be sure I was seeing what I thought I was seeing. Yup, the full
Monty, parading all over the deck, hanging up his towel to dry, stretching,
strutting around, etc.. Don came up into the cockpit for a glance or two
and we both wondered why the guy seemed so proud. The woman he was boating
with didn't seem to mind the show, but she didn't join him either.
5:45pm ish - Good
bye sun.
6:15pm ish - Don hints that dinner time
has arrived.
And so it goes. At least until we leave here,
which will be on Monday (12/3) when we move over to the British Virgin
Now a little bit about the weather.
It is exactly as you would expect it to be. 85 during the day, 79 at
night, with a nice breeze all the time. Every once in a while a rain
shower passes by, usually lasting a few minutes and often generating a
rainbow. Friday we had more than our usual share of rain storms and were
starting to feel like the leafy vegetables in the produce section of
Wegmans - getting a sprinkle every 20 minutes or so. In
general though, we have no complaints. Even if we did
complain, we figure there would be very little sympathy for us in
Syracuse, Rochester and Buffalo.