Rotoava, Fakarava Island, Tuamotus

Don and Anne Myers
Sat 26 Apr 2008 19:50
16:03.919S  145:37.163W
On Wednesday (4/23) we finally left the island of Kauehi behind and motorsailed the 25 miles back out of the lagoon and through the pass in the surrounding coral reef.  We left at the height of low tide current, so had a nice ride through the pass with three knots in our favor.  Our destination was Fakarava atoll, where we had no problem crossing the pass into its lagoon late in the afternoon.  Fakarava is the second largest coral atoll in the Tuamotu group.  It is 32 miles long and 15 miles wide, but like all coral atolls, 99% or more of that space is lagoon and 1% or less is land.
Viva and Wizard made the same trip and all three of us joined Cleone, who was anchored just off the shore where the village of Rotoava is located.  Unfortunately, we never made it to land as we arrived late in the day and spent too much time on Cleone's boat for happy hour and then Viva's boat for dinner (which was excellent - spicy ginger chicken cooked with coconut milk).  We left relatively early the next day heading south through the lagoon.  We never saw the village of Rotoava, but given the trade off between happy hour with the British and dinner with the Germans versus a quick walking tour of the village, we feel we chose well.