Richard's Bay to Port Elizabeth, South Africa - Day 1

Don and Anne Myers
Sat 3 Nov 2012 09:53
30:19.479S  30:57.896E
We are cruising fast down Africa's east coast with 25 to 30 knots of steady northeast wind behind us and the current sometimes as high as 2 knots pushing us along at average speed over 9 knots.  Not too shabby.
With the help of about 10 people, Don backed Harmonie out of very tight quarters in Tuzi Gazi Marina with no problem, and after a short wait on the 'international wall' for the wind to shift a little more in our favor, we motored out of Richard's Bay late yesterday afternoon.  We spent an uneventful night motoring in light northeasterly wind under a mass of clouds and a moon trying desperately to show itself (it never did, but the overall moon glow was helpful anyway).  After clearing the Richard's Bay freighter anchorage area, we had clear sailing (or motoring as the case was) down to Durban, which we passed at about 7 this morning.  After that, the wind kicked up as predicted and we've been doing our favorite kind of sailing ever since - downwind.
The northeast wind is supposed to hold up until tomorrow (Sunday, 11/4) morning, and then go very light as a weak low pressure passes over.  At that point, we will be very close to East London, so if the low pressure brings more southwest wind than we are expecting (very little), we will have the option to turn into East London and wait for the next weather window to arrive before proceeding on to Port Elizabeth.
All in all, an excellent first day.
More tomorrow.