Afternoon Tea in the Tropics - Blunt Bay, Northeast Percy Island, Queensland, Australia

Don and Anne Myers
Fri 21 May 2010 02:17
21:39.181S 150:20.045E
This is what we do now - drink tea and play games
in the afternoon with Aussies while anchored off attractive tropical islands
near the base of the Great Barrier Reef. Scary, sad and maybe a little bit
twisted, but true.
On May 3rd, we followed our track out of the Island
Head Creek anchorage (no need to employ the dual-denial watch system since we
used the same track to go out as we did to come in) and sailed a very pleasant
50ish miles in perfect wind to Northeast Percy Island. This was our last
planned stop before heading in to the city of Mackay's marina to restock, plug
into the internet, do a few 'proper' loads of laundry and most importantly, eat
out. Island hopping is fantastic, but restaurants are few and far between
on uninhabited, undeveloped national park islands.
After seven hours of happy, mostly downwind
sailing, we did in fact drink tea and play Rummikub with John and Sue in
Harmonie's cockpit upon arrival in the empty Blunt Bay next to the
uninhabited, undeveloped Northeast Percy Island. After that it was an
early night to prepare for the long 70ish mile sail from Percy Island
to the city of Mackay (pronounced Mac-kye) on the mainland.
Picture 1 - Don providing dinghy taxi service for
John and Sue from Storyteller to Harmonie. All this island hopping has
meant intense use of our dinghy-shaped car.
Picture 2 - Evidence of tea drinking and Rummikub
playing in the cockpit. Note the nice view of scruffy, red-rock,
uninhabited Northeast Percy Island in the background.