White's Bay 43:51.88N 76:13.32W

Don and Anne Myers
Mon 2 Jul 2007 15:02
Ok, so we didn't leave at 7am on 7/1 and we didn't
end up in Dutch John Bay, but we did leave at 7:25am and did end up in White's
Bay. Close enough. They say when you sail you should not only throw
out your watch, but your entire calendar. Given that advice, we are doing
quite well.
We had a 12 hour sail yesterday starting with an
extremely lumpy lake, which made those of us that haven't yet developed sea legs
this year (me) to struggle. But, and this is the beauty of sailing,
all was well with the lake and my stomach by noon. We dodged rain showers
and traveled with clouds all around, but not above us. We figured this was
a good sign. We skipped Dutch John Bay as the north wind would have made
for a bumpy anchorage, and went for White's Bay instead (near Henderson
Harbor). We've got the place to ourselves and plan to stay for a day or
Last night two rainbows showed up and provided
entertainment during happy hour. We figured this was also a good
sign. Sailors are supposed to be superstitious so we are trying
to follow in that tradition.