Raquette River

Don and Anne Myers
Mon 16 Jul 2007 06:15
44:59.573N 74:41.434W
We picked up my sister Suzanne and her husband Bob
as planned on Saturday (7/14/07), and left Odgensburgh on Sunday morning.
We weren't sorry to leave Odgensburgh. The marina there doubled as a
community center and drew all kinds of interesting folks. The adjoining
parking lot acted as a meeting place for kids and they seemed to be fond of
driving into the parking lot, smoking and drinking a bit, then driving out, and
10 minutes later, driving back in. All done with cars in need of muffler
work. Our boat provided an attraction not often seen in Odgensburgh, and
occasionally a brave soul would come over and ask us, "Is this your
boat?". We'd look at eachother and answer, "Um, yeah". Not sure how
they thought we would answer?
You'll notice that the quality of the attached
photos has greatly improved. This is because we have Bob on board,
and he is an accomplished photographer. Yesterday he took a whopping 165
photos and I got to choose my favorite four to post on our site.
Pictured below you will see a freighter close up
and personal. This was our view as we waited to enter the first
lock. The second picture is of Suzanne and I in our marvelous sailing
More to come later today.
Anne |