Cedar Island State Park 1 44:27.00N 75:47.23W

Don and Anne Myers
Tue 10 Jul 2007 16:38
Positively gorgeous.
That about sums up our sail yesterday.  We orginally intended to sail from Cape Vincent to a cove on the northwest side of Wellesley Island, but decided to keep going down the river because the weather, the wind, the river were so gorgeous. 
I'm sending two postings today, each with three pictures  (all 6 pictures attached to one posting might get stuck in cyberspace).  Below you'll see a picture of one of the many freighters we expect to see as we continue to make our way down the river.  Next is a lighthouse we happened to pass somewhere between Clayton and Alexandria Bay.  Last is a picture of Boldt Castle (located on Heart Island, just across the river from Alexandria Bay).  This picture is for Mr. Edski since he and Gina will be married on Heart Island at Boldt Castle in August.  Happy wedding Mr. Edski!
More in the second Cedar Island State Park posting.

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