Last Komodo Stop - Montjo Bay, Komodo Island, Komodo National Park, Indonesia

Don and Anne Myers
Sun 12 Sep 2010 14:14
08:26.727S 119:27.095E
The last of our Komodo National Park stops, Montjo Bay on the
north coast of Komodo Island was very peaceful with only one local
putt-putt fishing boat and a few short visits from live-aboard tourist dive
boats. A few miles and a quick motor from Gili Lawa Laut, Montjo
Bay is surrounded by the tall, arid peaks of Komodo Island, giving the
place an isolated feel. Not that feeling isolated is necessarily
a bad thing, just a change from the usual putt-putt hubbub. The two
hot nights we spent here without a whimper of wind under a starlit sky at peak
brilliance were quiet, very quiet.
We didn't go ashore, so didn't see any more Komodo dragons,
but we did see the sights under the water including a disinterested turtle
swimming by, more electric blue fish and another flamboyant display of
Picture 1 - Our view of the Komodo Island peaks.
Early on September 5th, we left the Komodo area and headed
west. More on our quick trip over the top of big Sumbawa and Lombok
Islands later.