Cape Vincent 44:07.83N 76:19.90W

Don and Anne Myers
Sun 8 Jul 2007 17:40
Here we are in the St. Lawrence river.  We had an uneventful but nice sail from White's Bay to Cape Vincent yesterday (7/7).  It turns out that our decision not to make the trip on Friday was a good one.  Several boats we've run into here at the Cape Vincent Fisheries Research Station (pictured below) got stuck in the lake with 40 knot winds for a time until the storm blew over.  They were all fine, but 40 knots is never very fun (that's about 45 mph for you land lubbers).
We plan to stay here until tomorrow when we will head further down the river - haven't figured out exactly where we are going yet, but hey, that's the beauty of boating.

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