The Time, It Seems, Has Come

Don and Anne Myers
Wed 6 May 2009 01:07
28:56.224S 177:45.234E
We had such a nice downwind sail yesterday that
there was plenty of time to think about this and that. The end result
of thinking about this and that was the composition of a really bad poem
for your entertainment. Here it is:
The Time, It Seems, Has Come
The sun abounds
Blue surrounds
And above all else, it's warm
The time, it seems
has come
Not a soul to be found
On the seas all around
It can no longer wait for the morn
The time, it seems
has come
Hair matted down
Twisted all around
A place where bees might swarm
Stubble all over
Like fields of clover
In the end it must be shorn
Could it be at last
enough time has past?
The time, it seems
has come
It's time to strip down
No reason to frown!
It's time for a cockpit bath
Worry not about wave motion
Just apply heaps of perfumed potion
And scrub the grime away
The time, it seems
has come
In the open air
Where the weather is fair
No one for miles
To see the smiles
Our northward path
Has brought us at last
To the place for a cockpit bath
Fresh water full blast!
The time, it seems
has come
If this doesn't generate some email response,
we might have to move on to even more drastic measures. In other
words, blog entries could get even uglier before this passage is
All is well as we continue sailing