Cedar Island State Park 2 44:27.00N 75:47.23W

Don and Anne Myers
Tue 10 Jul 2007 17:18
We successfully sailed under the 1000 Island's
Bridge - although you might not think so based on the pictures below. And
yes, that's Don in his official Tilley sailing hat.
The third picture below is last night's sunset
taken from our boat looking toward the Cedar Island park. Now, honestly,
does it get any better than this? (The 'real' picture is much better than this
dumbed-down for the internet version, but you get the idea.)
Not only was yesterday a fabulous sailing day, but
it was also a watershed day for us overall. I say this because we passed
from vacation mode to sailing adventure mode. We are further down the
river than we have ever been before when on vacation, so we are now in
uncharted territory (ok, so it's charted extremely well, but we actually
have to pay attention to where we are going now). On top of that, the
sailboat maintenance monster has reared its ugly head and the maintenance guy
(Don) has had to fix an anchor chain jam on the windlass, troubleshoot
the bilge pump (highly important piece of equipment since it pumps out the
water that collects in the bottom of the boat), troubleshoot the fresh water
system and occasionally investigate a toilet hiccup. Right now, as I sit
here all nice and cozy at the dining room table typing this message, the
maintenance guy is down in the engine room where it is probably 90F, trying
to fish out a rubber seal that he dropped into the bilge. The
bilge is several feet deep and very narrow, which makes it just about
impossible to fish anything out of it. So far Don has
found two screwdrivers and a roll of tape in the bilge (gifts from the
previous owners I guess), but no rubber seal. Every once in a while
I hear a "son of a bitch" or something involving a creative use of the
f-word. Good thing we had that marvelous sail yesterday - it
balances out today's bilge fishing expedition nicely.