Safe Arrival in Chagos

Don and Anne Myers
Sat 31 Mar 2012 08:03
05:20.505S 72:15.687E
March 31, 2012
We arrived in Chagos as planned this morning after a painless
overnight sail. We are the only boat anchored next to Ile
Fouquet in the Salomon Islands Atoll. There are three other boats
sharing the atoll's lagoon with us, but they are in another designated anchorage
(designated by the British, who own and control access to these deserted coral
atolls). You would think we'd be tired of solitude after eight days on a
boat together, but the idea of an isolated anchorage strangely appeals to us -
at least for a few days. We might choose to be more social and pick our
way across the lagoon in a day or two to join the other
boats. We'll see.
It is positively gorgeous here. The small coral islands
arranged in a rough circle around the lagoon (zoom in on our location on the
Google Earth map to see the atoll) are flat, covered with palm trees, fringed
with white sand and surrounded by water thirty shades of brilliant
blue. It's exactly the kind of deserted island most people dream
about. And to think we are here for four weeks! Somehow I think
we'll be plenty relaxed by the end of that time. We plan to fill our days
with swimming, snorkeling, kayaking and beach walking, with a few boat jobs
thrown in for good measure. Ahhhhhh - this is the
A passage summary and more about Chagos will follow in a few
days after we've fully recovered. Not that there's much to recover from,
but there is that 300 pound pile of dirty laundry waiting patiently in
our cabin to be dealt with, and some more Sri Lankan bird poop to
be scrubbed.
Now, where did we put that second bottle of