Gana Point, Viti Levu Island, Fiji

Don and Anne Myers
Tue 4 Aug 2009 21:28
17:26.675S  177:36.332E
We stayed only two nights at Nananu-I-Ra Island, and left on Sunday, July 26.  Our plan was to head west through Viti Levu's northern coastal reefs to the city of Lautoka.  Once there, we would complete the check-in and out process with customs (for the 5th time since arriving in Fiji), take a taxi to town and stock up at the grocery store and market before moving on to the west coast of Viti Levu.  The trip straight to Lautoka from Nananu-I-Ra was too long to do in one day, so we motored about forty miles to Gana Point, where we anchored for the night.  Even if there had been enough wind to sail, we probably wouldn't have due to the tortuous route we had to take around the endless string of reefs (too many turns to easily sail).  At times we felt like we were navigating down the St. Lawrence river - except that we were navigating around reefs, not rocks, and our charts were off by 1/8 mile or so instead of dead on, and many of the navigational marks that were supposed to exist didn't, and there was not another boat in sight the entire way (with the exception of Lady Kay), and it was sunny, clear and 81 degrees instead of rainy, cloudy and 65.  Other than that, it felt just like the St. Lawrence.
There is nothing much to report about Gana Point.  It was a rather exposed spot well off the mangrove-covered coast of Viti Levu where the water was shallow and murky (due to the mangroves and nearby river outlets) and the scenery remarkably dull.  Even the sunset (picture 1) was remarkably dull.
We moved on at the crack of dawn (redefined as 8 o'clock for us) on the 27th and headed for Lautoka.

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