St. Helena to Grenada - Day 22

Don and Anne Myers
Sun 3 Feb 2013 15:24
11:17.742N  59:11.316W
February 3, 2013
We're ready.
The last of the aging bits of food were cleaned out of the fridge to make room for arrival champagne, tonic, and beer.  This meant removal of what used to be the bag of Namibian carrots, which had transformed itself into a mass of semi-solid orange mush spotted with black ooze and white fluff.  The last of the meatloaf and a bit of uncooked bacon were also removed, and the whole lot tossed overboard with great satisfaction.  Also tossed was my last, and most cherished, pair of jean shorts.  The widening tears under each back pocket were deemed beyond repair, so after six years of reliable service they received an honorable burial at sea.  I take comfort in knowing they are now resting peacefully with the flying fish.
All is well as we make the final run into Grenada.  The northeast wind is lighter and a little more easterly than we would like, and the countercurrent has come back to haunt us, impeding our speed by as much as one knot.  This makes no sense as all the information we have for this area says we should be enjoying a cushy positive current by now.  Hmmmm.  No worries though, one way or another we'll make it into Prickly Bay Marina tomorrow.  There's no choice in the matter.  We have to get there because the last of the cabbage is in the plan for tonight's dinner (leaving nothing but a few onions and one lonely apple).
Day 22 progress miles - 187 (very good!)
157 miles to go
More after our arrival in Grenada tomorrow.