Fiji to Vanuatu - Day 4

Don and Anne Myers
Sun 9 Aug 2009 06:06
15:33.445S  168:40.258E
From the time I sent the blog update yesterday until just about an hour ago, we had been motorsailing with little or no wind.  Aside from the fact that our big-ass diesel engine sucks up about 3.3 liters of fuel per hour, churns out a smelly cloud of exhaust and generally ruins the peaceful nature normally associated with sailing due to its incessant drone, all has been well and extremely calm.  We did have a few rain showers throughout the night (only on my watch though - Don continues to remain dry for some reason), but they didn't carry any wind so therefore were not exciting.  The sky lit up a few times with unwanted lightening, but it was all plenty far away and not a threat.
The ban of fishing is still in place, so no fish were caught.
We are currently sailing peacefully with less than 100 miles to go.  Our plan is to arrive at Oyster Island at 8am local Vanuatu time to coincide with the high tide we'll need to get through the reef pass.  The forecast  for tonight is supposed to be a repeat of the ugly night we had two days ago....but again the weather word is 'changeable' so we'll see....
I'll send an update after we arrive in Vanuatu tomorrow.