Porto Brandinghi

Rob and Jacky Black
Fri 12 Jun 2015 15:22

40 50.0 N 09 41.6 E

Anchorage in Brandinghi Bay

We left the marina at 0600 with a still sea and no wind. Having hoisted the main we spent 20 minutes re-threading the reefing lines which were crossed! Our passage north with a full main and the engine on, took us passed some delightful bays, rugged cliffs and the occasional sea side town. The filled in from the NE and we saw some 10 knots at times but as it was pretty much on the 'nose' we continued to motor-sail. We saw 3 boats going south and the odd fishing vessel otherwise it was incredibly quiet. We dropped anchor at 1600, over sand in 6.6m on the edge of the most northerly part of the this 3 headed bay after a journey of 50 miles. The wind by this time was easterly and we had a bit of protection from this in that position.

Once the boat was secured Jacky had a swim - the water temperature gauge is now showing 27 C. We enjoyed a safe night although when the wind went to the north at about 0400 we were beam on to the southerly swell and so had some rolling for the last part of the time.

Next morning we decided to move again to try and find a calmer anchorage.