Rasline Bay Skradin

Rasline Bay Thursday 4th July
We left the restaurant pontoon and initially returned to Beretusa Bay to anchor for the night however we had some quite strong westerly winds which were blowing straight into the bay and kicking up a bit of a swell. So we decided to move around 1700 across the Jezera to Rasline a small harbour on the otherside and well protected from the west wind. We discovered that the harbour itself was not suitable for us too shallow even on the quay which shows in the Pilot book 4 metres! We had just under 2 before we gave up and headed for the inlet to the north west of the town. This was again a very suitable anchorage well sheltered and with around 6 metres depth and sufficient swinging room Rob was happy! There were quite a few small fishing boats that were busy working including early in the morning but nothing else to disturb us. This whole area abounds with Mussel and Oyster farms and there are even trout in the waters hereabouts. Interestingly we witnessed a River Police boat stopping and checking several of the local fishing boats during the afternoon of our stay!