
Rob and Jacky Black
Wed 13 Aug 2008 17:05

36:08.15N 05:21.5W

Queensway Quay Marina Gibraltar

Tuesday 12th August

Left Barbate at 1000 to get the best of the east going tide and it certainly proved worth doing as we were making 9knots at times as we sailed/motor-sailed with just the Jib. The coast gradually became more hilly and I was really excited to be able to see North Africa –it hardly seemed any distance away and was even more hilly than the Spanish coast. Took loads of pictures as we past Cape Trafalgar; thrilling to actually be there and try to envisage the battle scenes. The wind gradually picked up and by the time we were off Tarifa it was blowing a good force 5. We soon made the point and there was Gibraltar with loads of ships anchored in the bay and the rock itself with a little cap of cloud. By this time we were screaming along, the sea was very confused and we decided to shorten sail; took in half of the Jib and continued at 6 knots. We finally made the south entrance into the inner harbour where we got some shelter and prepared the boat for mooring up. Having phoned the night before we knew were going to be o.k. to go into this marina,  (as recommended by our friends on Serafina with whom we had spoken regarding where to go in Gib.)As we approached the wind was still blowing hard so a head to wind/ bow in position was decided upon. We were given help from the marina staff and soon sorted out all the lines etc. The big problem was getting off the boat! Rob removed the anchor and rigged the fender step but it was still quite awkward so we will probably turn round tomorrow if the wind drops. We were pleased to see Vision( another Rally Portugal boat) across the pontoon from us but it would seem there is no-one on board just now as she is all closed up with no flags out.

We had a short walk to explore the main street – it reminded us of the Channel Islands with British shops but all set in rather small, quaint cobbled streets. Having purchased some incredibly cheap booze we stopped at a pub for an early supper of ‘Fish and Chips’!! We also picked up some other food supplies from Marks and Spencer’s but are leaving the big supply shopping until we hit Morrison’s in a few days time.

We plan to stay several days here and have bought some internet time so Jacky can catch up on the Olympic news!

Pictures and other news will follow.

Jacky and Rob