
Rob and Jacky Black
Thu 6 May 2010 15:24
37 52.3N 27 15.7E
Wednesday 5th May
We set off from Cesme at first light following our
wake up call from the Imman in the Mosque next to the boat at 0515!
We motored out of the marina and hoisted the main
in the hope of some wind later in the day. The sea was like glass
there was a morning mist so quite beautiful and
then the sun rose - a great orange ball over the hills to the east as we
progressed south.
We had a very uneventful passage - managing to get
the genoa out for about 4 hours giving us over 6 knots at times but the
force 4 from the N.W didn't materialize and we
ended up motor sailing most of the way. Some of the other boats hoisted 'kites'
or cruising shutes,
but we didn't bother in the end, as we both wanted
to spend a few hours asleep en route and we don't like to fly our spinnaker when
there is only
one of us on watch.
The marina at Kusidasi has everything you need -
good showers, shops and restaurants. We visited the place recommended last time
we were here
and it was fab. - we had a fixed price menu - 40 TL
and this included a large beer each with 5 courses the main being a wonderfully
griddled sea bream each
which would have been enough on it's own! needless
to say we rather 'rolled' back to the boat and enjoyed a very good night's sleep
without being disturbed by the
call to prayers at dawn.
Today we went to visit some of the famous
historical sights - The Virgin Mary's house near Selcuk and the ruins at Ephesus
all very impressive if a bit over-run by tourists and
souvenir shops! We have a cocktail party tonight so
have to get 'poshed -up' a bit. Tomorrow we are taking the marina manager from
here to Didium so will have to
be in our best 'sailing' mode!! The forecast is for
southerly winds so unfortunately it will be an 'on the nose' passage most of the