
Rob and Jacky Black
Thu 5 Jun 2014 15:28
We motored up to Nidri from Vlikho Bay (all of 2 miles!) and waited until the charter boats on the Neilson pontoon departed we then secured a spot and have stayed put for 4 nights here enjoying the hotel facilities the pool is open though cold and of course the laundry lady. Our friends Brian and Gerry arrived a few hours after us and they too have been here for several nights. We had torrential rain and thunderstorms over Monday night and into Tuesday which left the boat covered in red dust so we had to spend some time scrubbing that off yesterday. In addition Jacky and Gerry walked up to the waterfalls an hour each way with the last bit quite a steep up hill climb and clamber on rough paths. It was worth it though as, because of the rain, the falls were gushing!
There has been quite a buzz around this town because the Russian family who have leased the former Onassis island of Skorpios are hosting a huge birthday party this week. There are legions of security guards being ferried back and forward from our pontoon at 0600 and 2000 each day. 2 mini cruise ships are anchored off the east side of the island where guests are staying and the concert is supposed to be starring Beyonce as the lead performer; in addition there are meant to be firework displays each evening. We are not sure when it all kicks off and haven't heard or seen the fireworks yet so perhaps tonight?