
43 20.3 N 16 47.6 E
Uvala Luka Brac Sunday 23rd - Wednesday 26th June
We sailed from Hvar around the eastern end of Brac to the long inlet of Uvla Luka – we were able to use the full genoa for the majority of the passage and only had to motor once we turned west after rounding the end of Brac. There are opportunities for anchoring but our chosen inlet was already occupied and we felt there wasn’t enough swinging room for 2 so we headed for the buoys at the restaurant Pico in the western arm of the bay. Here we stayed for 3 nights at 200K per night with a reduction to 150 for the 3rd! Our main reason for being here was a rendezvous with our former Czech Au Pair Bara and her family. They were on holiday in Brela some 5 miles to the north on the mainland. As they have a small sports boat they were able to come and join us for the day. It was a super reunion after some 8 years – they now have 2 boys aged 6 and 8 and of course Jacky and Bara had a good deal of catching up to do despite our annual Christmas letters. Bara was with us for 9 months in 1996-6, when our son was 7. We had seen her when we visited Prague in 2004 but not since.
We stayed in this bay for an extra day as the forecast was not good for us to head west. The restaurant is well known for its ‘eco’status they have no electricity, most of their food is locally grown and fish features high on the menu. It certainly seemed popular with the power boat fraternity as each day we witnessed several arrive staying until the following morning. The sea temperature was lovely and warm 28C and the water was very clear and clean so most people swam a good deal. There was even a small shingle beach and some children’s swings in front of the restaurant.
We decided to leave on Wednesday and head for Trogir