
Rob and Jacky Black
Sun 24 Jun 2012 19:57
23rd - 25th June
We left Folegandros at 0800 hoisted the main with one reef and set of up
the east coast in very light winds and a slight sea. Once around the north
east tip we were able to set the jib for an almost close hauled course to
Milos. The engine stayed on a tick over for most of the journey. It was a
clear day and we enjoyed the passage. On entering the passage between
Milos and the small island to the NE - Kimalos we took the wind right on
the 'nose' and of course it strengthened! We had a brisk sail along the
top of the island and then down into the large bay - Ormos Milou. having
stored away the sails we dropped the anchor and reversed back onto the
pontoon where we had been last year. There was plenty of room at that
stage but by 1800 this section was full and late arrivals had to moor on
the extension pontoon where there is no water or electricity. Our friends
Tor and Nigel on their Hanse 370 arrived a couple of hours later and
berthed two boats down from us.
We were soon welcomed by the 'mooring' man a cheerful old guy who always
wears a flat captains hat and has a bushy greying beard! he welcomed us
back and reminded us to see him before we left to pay for the water and
We had a pleasant couple of days stay here and in particular enjoyed
visiting the Mining Museum which we had missed on our last visit.
With a window in the weather for a passage south we decided to head back
to Crete on an overnight voyage leaving on Monday after a very enjoyable
'fish supper' at the restaurant opposite the end of the quay. We planned
to arrive in Rethymno on Crete by mid morning.