
42 47.4 N 17 22.5 E
We now realise what people mean by Croatia being a wonderful place to sail. The approach to the anchorage and harbour of Polace was lovely with low rising hills covered with trees and deep almost dark green water with turquoise hues close the edges, small islets dotting the channels and various potential anchorages. We decided to opt for an anchorage amongst several other boats in the bay to the NW of the town quay. A delightful quiet spot with wonderful clean water making swimming a delight! The following day we took the dinghy ashore to have a look around and decided to do the bus and boat tour recommended by the Kiwis we had met in Cavtat who were also anchored near to us in the bay. This proved to be a super trip with us being the only occupants of the minibus for the first part of the journey. The road winds up hill giving lovely views of the bay below and glimpses of Arwen at anchor. On arrival at the first of the salt water lakes – Veliko jezero (great lake) we took a small ferry across to the tiny island of St Maria where there is a monastery( being renovated) and a very old church. We walked around the island and then took another ferry to Mali jezero (little lake) where we spent an hour beside the turquoise water and Jacky swam a couple of times it was so peaceful and tranquil and the water temperature was fantastic about 5 degrees above sea temperatures apparently. After this we walked to a small village along the coast road called Babine Kuce (about 1 k.) where we had a refreshing beer and toilet stop! It was another .5K back to the bus stop and then our return to Polace and the boat. A lovely day out and well worth doing! On return to the boat we had a snack- late lunch and then a siesta with Rob sleeping and Jacky having several swims off the boat! Arthur’s Pride had arrived and we were invited for pre-dinner drinks so following showers we duly took the dinghy across and enjoyed some local Croatian wine as the sun set behind the wooded hills – and all was peaceful the water like a mirror. We really like this place and it will be a wrench to move on!