Kekova Roads again

Rob and Jacky Black
Thu 14 Oct 2010 07:59
36 11.2N 29 50.4E
We had a fairly good night at anchor considering
the winds and that we were in quite deep water which always keeps us a bit
nervous in case the anchor drags!
We set off heading east again and originally
planned to stop at Kas but the wind was fair and we had managed to rig the main
on the third reef so could sail again the sun shone and
so we kept going all the way to Kekova. We knew
once there we would be in sheltered waters with a secure anchorage and of course
the option to go alongside if need be to sort out our sails issues.
On arrival we found the usual anchorage quite full
(Probably due to the gale warnings issued the day before) so we anchored further
up the reach than normal. It has proved to be just fine with excellent
and just a couple of minutes more in the dinghy
when we go ashore. We spent our first morning sorting out the port side lazy
lines. Jacky went up the mast to retrieve the broken end which had caught on the
top spreader
cleat and then it was a case of replacing the
damaged sections and re- aligning the system. Once this was done we took out the
reefs and repacked the main. A swim and breakfast followed and all before
The following day we examined the jib and found
that the only damage was to the stitching holding the luff line pocket to the
sail - basically it had come undone for about two metres from the base
We decided that it was repairable so didn't take
the sail off as originally planned. (We were going to put on our smaller blade
sail). We unfurled the sail and Jacky sat for a couple of hours stitching the
pocket - Rob did the hard bit on the stiff foot end where he had to use pliers
to pull the needle through! We had to stop when the wind got up as we were
dancing all round the anchor. We finished the job first thing the next
We decided to stay a bit longer here and went for a
walk to the ruined settlement near to the village. It involved quite a bit of
scrambling over rocks but was worth it to get right up close to the sarcophagi
which littered the hillside.
We treated ourselves to a meal ashore that night at
our favourite restaurant Ibrahim's and had Mehmet collect us in his dory so
we didn't need to bother with our dinghy!
We cheeked the forecast for the week at the wifi
hot spot in the restaurant and it is showing easterlies for at least 5 days so
we will be hanging around here for a few more days before heading for