Gouvia again

Rob and Jacky Black
Wed 2 Jul 2014 12:07
We motored north and had a look at several bays on the North East coast of Corfu but found nothing to our liking for an overnight stop. We then headed across towards the marina and stopped for lunch and a swim in a bay on the peninsula that protrudes to the north of the marina entrance. It was sheltered and quiet when we arrived but after 1700 all the water bikes water ski-ing boats came out to play so we decided to head back to the marina. Having had a telephone call from our friends Wiz and Watson to cancel their planned visit due to wiz’s ill health, Jacky decided that she would return back to the UK earlier than planned. Bert and Gerry helped to get the boat ready to leave for 6 weeks and in between times we all enjoyed relaxing at the pool and several more meals out. In addition B and G took a day trip around the north of Corfu, which they said was excellent. (They booked the trip at the tour operator’s office near the chandlery outside the marina).
Early on Thursday morning we closed down the boat, had a coffee at the bar and were collected by our pre-ordered taxi right on time for our short trip to the airport.