
37 07.4N 008 37.2W We came here this morning having been at anchor in the bay
nearer to Portimao. It was lovely there but last night we rolled a great deal
so decided a move was required. We surmised that coming into the river here
would provide more shelter and less roll. However the wind has steadily increased and is gusting at 25
knots so we are probably going to leave and head for a marina tonight. The sun is still shining and yesterday we swam from the boat
as well as taking the dinghy for an explore around the headland and in and out
of the rocky islets that abounded. This was our anchorage for 21-22nd June Our plans are to be in Lagos for Friday / Saturday, as our
friends Gail and Nigel with their son Jack are arriving for a week’s
holiday. We hope to take them east and explore various ports and bays en route. Jacky and Rob |