Capo Testa La Colba and Liscia

Rob and Jacky Black
Wed 17 Jun 2009 19:03

 41 13.8N 009 09.8E

Tuesday 15th June La Colba

Motored sailed here from Castelsardo – picked a spot quite close to the large rocks over sand to drop the hook. The rocks remind us of the north Brittany coast

around Trebuerden. There are two beaches here with hotels and villas (low rise and inoffensive) and it is obviously a popular anchorage as we were with 6 other boats.

I had a swim and then we ate  supper in the cockpit hoping there would be no mosquitoes. Unfortunately there were and I got bitten so we had to put in all the nets

over night. Temperatures are still very high even in the evening -they are over 28 degrees!


41 11.6N 09 18.6 E

Wednesday 17th  Liscia


We left the anchorage early and motored north towards the first group of Maddallena Islands as we passed north of Capo Testo we began to see more yachts

 than we have seen since our departure from Lagos! This is obviously a very popular area. We went to see the ‘Pink Beach’ off the island of Budella and the area known as

‘deadman’s passage’. It was busy and there were no buoys free so we took some photographs and left – not as impressive as made out - we felt.

We decided to try the bay to the east of Porto Pozzo and west of Porto Pollo called Liscia. On arrival we headed for the west side but found too many rocks and very deep water here.

We motored along the 5 metre line passed a very nice ‘Super’ yacht anchored in the centre and chose a suitable spot in 6 meters to drop the hook. By this time the wind was NW force 3.

Needless to say I had a swim – the water temperature was 24.3 degrees but I could only persuade Rob to go down the bathing ladder as far as his knees!

This bay is very quiet we had 2 windsurfers come to visit and a jet ski from the super yacht zoomed around for about 30 minutes. It left late afternoon so we are almost totally alone

apart from a smaller yacht anchored in the western edge and a larger motor boat in the same area.

The bay is quite big (2 miles across approx.) with a long sandy beach backed by sand dunes it had a small number of people on it during the day but they had all gone by 2000.

We can see the masts of boats anchored in the next port – Pollo over the top of the sandy spit that joins  Isola Cavalli to the main land.

Hoping for a nice quiet night – there is no swell and the wind has dropped off.