Serce Limani

Rob and Jacky Black
Fri 27 Apr 2012 10:27
Serce Limani
36 35.0 N 26 02.9 E
We re-launched on Friday 13th April and then spent the next week and a
half getting the boat maintenance finished off, stored and ready for our
summer cruising. We had several lovely meals in the restaurant at the
marina and also visited various shops in town to get everything we needed.
We were able to get the passarelle hand rails fixed and strengthened in a
small work shop in the Sanyiye in town. The riggers came and fitted the
new windex, we had the new heating element installed in the hot water
cistern and had a chap fix the bow navigation light. The spray hood has
been repaired and the sails cleaned and serviced over the winter. Rob
rigged the lovely bright new LED lights for the cockpit that we bought in
Hong Kong – so excellent light now for eating outside or reading at night.
Various friends arrived back from their trips home and the atmosphere in
the bar during happy Hour was lovely. It was especially good to see Alice
and Burghart (Three Times a Lady) whom we had spent time with in Hong Kong
last month!
We finally left on Wednesday and motor-sailed to Serce where we picked up
a mooring buoy at the head of the bay. Lovely clear turquoise water and
very calm, Jacky had her first swim of the year - water temperature at 22
degrees. We ate in the restaurant on the second night – good food but a
bit expensive after prices in the marina restaurant. June and Steve on
Piper anchored at the other end of the bay and we took the dinghy to visit
them. We had several charter boats arrive on Thursday they either anchored
and backed in to the new jetty (Captain Nemo’s) or took a buoy and then
tied back to the rocks on the port side. We were the only boat swinging
free that night.