Rob and Jacky Black
Sun 20 May 2012 18:53
35 12.5 N 26 06.6 E
Sunday 20th May
We left Kassos at 0630 hoisted a reefed main and unfurled the jib to ¾. A
good fresh breeze from the NW was blowing and we had a good sail to south
west of the island. Once clear we were able to fetch the island of Crete.
However the wind gradually died and backed so we had to drop the head sail
and motor sail for a few hours. The sea was fairly benign just a rolling
swell coming in from the NW. We were able to see the high mountains of
Crete from 20 miles away. The Rhodes – Crete ferry past use around 1030
having called at Kassos for 0900.
As we approached the island of Crete the wind backed further and we had a
southerly which kicked up to around a force 5 as were heading into the bay
where Sitia lies –(sod’s law right on the nose!)
We dropped the main and prepared the boat for all eventualities regarding
mooring. The pilot book had warned it gets very full and we had been told
by a British boat who had come from Sitia the day before that we might
just squeeze on the harbour wall – alongside. With the wind setting us
onto the wall we were concerned - however there was just room between the
large trip boat and a 6 meter yacht (the latter taking up a huge space)
for us to get in. We tied up and deployed all the fenders on the port side
– Rob found the electricity connection and we settled down for supper
before having an early night.
In the morning having checked the forecast we decided not to stay and
explore as there was a strong wind warning for that night – south or SE
force 6 – 7. The wall here was not the place to be for that!
We decided to head for the marina at Agios Nikalaos Some 20 miles to the